Wednesday, October 6, 2010

to pay or not to pay.....

So what about the upstanding citizen that decided he was not gonna pay his Fire Department (Protection) Dues of $75 in west Tennessee???

Check here for the story from the Montgomery Advertiser!!

As a member of a Volunteer Fire Department, I find it difficult to NOT put someones house out when it is on fire in front of me... I know it was hard for those FF's to just stand there and watch it burn.

Even with Burkville VFD, we do collect dues annually of $25. Do most people pay? NOPE! Do we still put their house out or respond to their medical call? YES, of course we do it's our job!

But the real question is, if i wrecked my truck or a tornado destroyed my house is ALFA gonna fix or do anything about either one of my issues if i have lapsed my coverage and just decided not to pay it... Heck no! The only thing I might get is the words "good luck" from my agent! This guy made a mistake and now he is facing his consequences...

Moral is, pay for the protection if you expect it! Or better yet, if you want a better Fire Department, don't sit around and talk about how you don't like the one you have, do something about it. Help out!!!! It's not gonna kill you!

Much Love and God Bless!!!